Just transitions


Just Transitions to Decarbonisation in Australia

This research was conducted in early 2022. It was funded by the British Academy, and was a joint project between research teams at Royal Holloway, University of London, and Monash University in Australia. It consists of a major 150+ page report, alongside an executive summary, domain-specific policy briefing documents, and a series of webinars.


What was the project about?

What are the key findings?

Australia is grappling with how to transition towards decarbonisation in ways that are environmentally sustainable and socially just, whilst at the sharp edge of the impacts of climate change. This cross-cutting report acknowledges the broad range of issues and concerns that impact just transitions, and engages with research in five core domains: 'the home', 'work and industry', 'mobilities', 'renewable energy', and 'technology and data'. The aim was to gather evidence on just transitions, and to formulate and disseminate its findings to shape policy and practice at multiple scales, from the national to the local and community.

The research identifies a set of principles that are a starting point for any person or organisation wanting to take part in a just transition, offering an entry point by which stakeholders can approach the complex issue of ensuring a transition is just. These principles embody the shared values that will be needed across all sectors of society for a just transition to take place. The report also highlights a range of plausible and realistic possibilities towards just transitions in Australia, in each of the five domains, acknowledging the multiple but connected starting points and capabilities of different groups.


Download the report

The major output of this research is a 150+ page report that is a useful resource for any group wishing to engage in a just transition.

There is also a 20-page executive summary that highlights the core principles and possibilities stemming from this research, alongside a forthcoming set of 3-page policy briefing documents for each of the five domains.